Wednesday, April 02, 2008

Birthday Boy

This post is LONG overdue, since our sweet Gib turned one on March 17. There were mitigating factors ... the poor dude was teething and got a stomach virus on his birthday. So he wasn't really in the mood for cake and cacophony.

However, Gib did get to see "his" parade (the annual St. Patrick's Day Parade) for the first time.

And he celebrated with proper frosting face several days later.

And did I mention the teething? He got his first tooth right before his first birthday and his second soon after. For the record: bottom right incisor on Friday, March 14 and top right incisor on Friday, March 21.

Gib's one-year checkup followed shortly thereafter, with stunning results:
Length: 30.75 inches, in the 85th percentile
Weight: 22.5 pounds, in the 50th percentile
Head circumference: 19 inches, in the 90th percentile

Also, he's a cutie.

Happy birthday, Little Man.