Friday, September 26, 2008


It's important to note that there was no adult intervention here:

Friday, September 19, 2008

Talking the Chalk

Gib's vocabulary is exploding. We thought he might be the quiet one, what with his expressive, insistent, verbose big sister and all. Quite the contrary. He's not quite matching Roxi word-for-word, but it's not from lack of effort. It takes a trained ear and good timing to understand what he's saying most of the time. Though some words are clear as a bell – like meow, cheese, again, eat and no (naturally). Gib has started forming basic sentences, too. "Give that Roxi" was a new one this morning, when I was getting Roxi's clothes out (Gib likes to bring her each piece of clothing ... and then attempt to put it on himself).

The talking at this age, it is so cute. My current favorite phrase of Gib's is illustrated in the video below. This is followed closely by his pronunciation of our black cat's name, Teton, which sounds like someone doing a very exaggerated French accent. Often this is the first word out of his mouth when he wakes up in the morning. I walk into his room, and he looks up with a huge grin and says, "Tetaaawn!"

Release the Hounds

Clearly in the midst of hatching a brilliant, evil scheme:

Tuesday, September 09, 2008

Big Foot

And so the madness begins: Roxi is playing soccer. She's had two practices thus far and had her first game last Saturday. All the other kids on her team have played before, which is great. Her coach is all about having fun, which is better still. And even though she hasn't really sorted out the purpose of the game yet (see video #1), she's getting there (see video #2). More importantly, she's having a BLAST.

Gratuitous Gib

Missing Summer Already