Thursday, June 14, 2007

Big Kid

Our little girl turned 3 years old last week. To mark the occasion, she hosted her two best pals, Josie and Hailey, their respective families and her Grandpa and Grandma for a fountain frolic, barbecue and sugar rush (in the guise of Kermit the Frog) on the Saturday prior. On her actual birthday - which she was quick to announce was JUNE 5! - she had a celebration at school. She was the center of attention, sharing milestones from her life with her classmates (with help from mom) and representing her life's journey thus far by holding a globe and walking around a candle "sun" three times. (Her favorite part was blowing out the sun.) She capped off the evening at her favorite restaurant, Rasta Pasta, slurping down buttered noodles and dancing to Bob Marley. Good times, mon.

Roxi's 3-year checkup followed a few days later. It was another glowing report from Dr. P. She's 34 pounds - in the 60th percentile for her age - and 38.5 inches tall - in the 80th percentile for her age. They don't measure head circumference anymore, but we know from the 5-year-old hats she's sporting that she's still clearly above average.

Most of all, she's a rompin' stompin' whirlwind of a wild thing. Happy Birthday Roxi!