Wednesday, November 22, 2006

The Softer Side of Lizards

Roxi is really into dinosaurs lately, having just acquired a bag full of them. She knows all of them by name, from Apatosaurus to Parasaurolophus to good old T-Rex, and frequently begs Rob to find new kinds of dinosaurs to see and discuss on the Internet. This new fascination is great, further testament to the incredible memory of small children and very fun to watch besides. The interesting part to me, though, is the way in which she plays with the dinos.

Case in point: Rob had two of them "attack" each other (quite in character for giant, hungry lizards), and Roxi took them from him and had them kiss instead. She frequently has her dinos give each other lollipops - purple lollipops are especially popular - or takes them to the potty, where they are lauded for doing an excellent job making pee-pee. "Good job Triceratops! Now we will wash your hands."