Sunday, June 05, 2005


Our baby isn't a baby anymore. She's a full-fledged toddler, and she's one whole year old. Holy smokes, did that ever go FAST. Here are a few of Roxi's latest cute new skills:
  • Recognizing Rob's voice on the phone and answering machine, and saying "Da Da!" when she hears him.
  • Activating her toy that plays "Oh Susanna", waiting for us to start singing and clapping, and then performing a magnificent arm flapping, body swaying dance.
  • Patty cake marathons.
  • Wanting to go on the slide at the playground over and over.
  • Asking to take a bath every time she's naked. "Baaa?"
  • Waving at everyone who will give her the time of day (and many who won't). We get all kinds of special treatment at the grocery store.
  • Chasing us around the house and laughing big belly guffaws when she's being chased.
  • Visual memory: She'll point out balloons, kitties, bees, butterflies and ducks in her books, among other things.
  • Picking out a book, bringing it to one of us and sitting in our lap so we'll read it to her.
  • Following basic commands: bring me your shoes, put your bear in your toy box, have a seat, etc.
  • Kicking and throwing balls - by herself and on command.
  • Sporting more teeth. Roxi's fifth tooth, another right lower incisor, made its debut on Memorial Day.

Less cute has been her waking time for the past week - between 4 and 5 a.m. But hey, I can almost forget it's still dark outside when I walk into her room and see that smiling face waiting for me. We're a bit on the sleep-deprived side, but we couldn't be happier with our big one-year-old girl. Happy birthday Roxi!!!