Saturday, April 09, 2005

Creepy Crawlies

This winter has been a full-on germfest around here. Poor Roxi got nailed with another cold last weekend. Rob promptly caught it. I escaped with just a stuffy nose.

The good news is that every virus she conquers now is, theoretically, one less that she'll have to deal with in preschool. Or that's what we keep telling ourselves anyway. If you know this to be false, please keep that information to yourself, as we really NEED it to be true right now :)

Anyway, the cold was not as bad as the RSV experience. Just lots and lots of snot for the sweet girl - leading us to wonder how a body so small can produce so much by-product - and coughing. She's still a little drippy and sounds like a chain-smoker, but we're over the hump and looking forward to the healthy weeks (dare we hope for months?) ahead.