Friday, March 31, 2006


As Roxi's verbal skills become more and more honed, some of our favorite "baby" words are going by the wayside. Bananas are no longer "buhl-EH-thuh" (with exaggerated tongue flourish). They're just plain old "BO-nanas".

Lest you think I'm moping, there are plenty of other wacky words to fill in since Roxi will repeat anything and everything. Among the new vocabulary this month are: interesting, voracious, pentagon, horizontal and slam dunkaroonis (as in when you successfully dunk a basketball).

She also tends to add syllables to words. Elephant is "elephenant", for example, and cranberries are "crannaberries".

And today, out of nowhere, as we're visiting the farm down the street comes, "There's a horse over there. He's resting in the stable." You'd have to understand toddler speak to get it, but STILL. Sheesh. My friends joke that she'll be reciting the Gettysburg Address soon.